Italy's textile machinery orders grew rapidly in the second quarter

In the second quarter of 2010, orders for textile machinery in Italy showed an upward trend. According to statistical data released by the Association of Textile Machinery Manufacturers of Italy (ACIMIT), the overall index for orders from April to June was 159.5 points, an increase of 35% over the same period of last year.

From the perspective of market distribution, orders for overseas markets increased by 40%, and domestic orders for Italy increased by 5%. Sandro Salmoiraghi, chairman of the Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers Association, said: "Order growth has been satisfactory, but other machinery-producing countries have also benefited from the market recovery. Therefore, international market competition is more intense than ever."

Manufacturers’ expectations for the third quarter of 2010 show that all segments in Italy will be in stable development, and overseas sales support this optimistic view. “The growth of orders in the next three months is decisive for judging whether the current recovery is a long-term trend,” Salmoiraghi said affirmatively.

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