Do you know what is the critical number of revolutions? How to calculate?

The outermost ball in the ball mill just rotates with the cylinder without falling, and the number of revolutions of the ball mill at this time is called the critical number of revolutions.

The critical number of revolutions of various ball mills is proportional to the diameter D, and the absolute value of the critical number of revolutions is not easy to find. At present, only the formula for calculating the theoretical critical number of revolutions is widely used.

The formula for calculating the critical number of revolutions: n. =42.2/D1⁄2 rpm

Where: D - the inner diameter of the ball mill. Meter

n. - critical number of revolutions

When a non-smooth lining is used, the ball filling filling rate is 40-50%, and the grinding concentration is large, the calculation result of the formula is relatively close to the actual one.

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